Skills: 9/10
JSE 5.0 - [scjp 5.0] (oop, eclipse, junit, maven, ant, aop (jboss aop, spring aop), rmi, io, net, jakarta commons, xml, xmlbeans, swt, jface, swing, basics of eclipse plugins making),
JEE (javaserver faces, servlets, jsp, struts, spring, ejb 3.0, hibernate 3, web services - xfire, jdbc, velocity), JME (basics)
ActionScript 2.0 (Flash)Skills: 9/10
object oriented programming, AS2Lib (collections, unit tests etc.), Action Script Development Tool + Flashout, Flash MX 2004 Professional
PHPSkills: 9/10
PHP 4, PHP 5 (object oriented programming), Smarty, phpunit, systems (Mambo, MediaWiki,PhpBB, ezPublish etc.)
Ruby Skills: 6/10
(eclipse rdt, oop, io, drb, rinda, webrick, threads, xml, unit tests)
Ruby on Rails Skills: 6/10
(Active Record, Action View, AJAX techniques, Action Controller, lighttpd, webrick, eclipse radrails)
DatabasesSkills: 7/10
relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, HSQLDb), o/r mapping tools for Java and PHP (EJB 3 persistance, JDO, Propel), Berkeley DB, db4o, Prevayler
LinuxSkills: 5/10
Daily use - desktop linux (os: Mandrake, Aurox, RedHat), www servers - Apache 2, Tomcat 5, Lighttpd
| Object Oriented Programming Skills: 7/10
design patterns, UML
| HTML, JavaScript (DHTML), CSSSkills: 9/10
XHTML, CSS 2.0, web applications/websites gui making
| Toolbook Skills: 7/10
| XML Skills: 7/10
XML APIs for Java, PHP, ActionScript, XML Schema, DTD
| Other technologiesC, Eclipse, CVS, Subversion, Microsoft Office, Open Office, JEdit, Dreamweaver MX, Pajączek, Quanta, Photoshop, ImageReady CS, Gimp, Windows XP,98,Me
| Native languagespolish - Skills: 8/10
english - Skills: 5/10